Check out the merchandise shop through Bonfire to purchase some Carson Ramey Foundation apparel. Proceeds will help purchase additional positioning aids and other support items for infants recovering in the hospital.
Support us with your Kroger purchases by selecting The Carson Ramey Foundation as your preferred organization. Follow the steps below to ensure you are registered.
Log in to your Kroger account on the Community Rewards page.
Scroll down to the Link Your Shopper's Card image and click Get Started.
Search either The Carson Ramey Foundation or XC331.
Be sure to enter your Kroger rewards phone number each time you shop.
*Please note that The Carson Ramey Foundation is an option for Kroger's Community Rewards Program in only Toledo, Columbus, and Central Ohio, Northern West Virginia, and one store in Lambertville, Michigan. (Stores covered by their Columbus Division.)
As we continue to grow the organization we will need volunteers for different events. Do you have a love for volunteering or have other ideas on how to support the organization? Please use the contact form below and we will be in touch.
Use your talents to host your own fundraiser. Whether it's running, baking, knitting, etc. there are numerous ways you can help raise funds to ensure every baby in the ICU has access to a frog positioner and/or other support items. Please use the donate button below to donate any funds raised.