The Carson Ramey Foundation was created in memory of Josh and Jackie Ramey's son, Carson. He was diagnosed with hypoplastic right heart and pulmonary atresia during his 21 week prenatal scan. Carson was born on August 10, 2020 and battled his congenital heart defect (CHD) for his short three months of life while undergoing three open heart surgeries, three times on life support, and multiple other surgeries and procedures. Sadly, due to complications from his heart defect he passed away on November 20, 2020.
During their time at the hospital they used the weighted frog positioners to help provide him comfort. While they mostly used it to comfort Carson, the positioners are also helpful for supporting babies in different positions which can help with development. His parents saw how much this helped him and wanted to ensure every child in the PCTU at Mott Children's Hospital had one available to them. Their hope is that they can keep his memory alive while providing comfort to other heart patients at Mott's as well as possibly other hospitals in the future.

Before his diagnoses his parents were not aware of how common heart defects are and the amount of research that needs to be done. One in every one hundred babies will be born with CHD making it the most common birth defect. After watching him fight his battle his parents knew they needed to bring more awareness to CHDs and do something to help other families going through what they did. The Carson Ramey Foundation was created in March 2022 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.